Selected Works
Baby Eve
Thrifted vase and fake flowers, broken ceramic hand, found satan pitchfork, ribbon, gold letters, newspaper, crayon, glitter, google eyes
10 x 20 x 10 inches
Found wooden baby gate, fabric, rope, ribbon, yarn, fake flowers, family jewelry, plastic barrettes, plastic beads, lace, wool, nylon stockings, paint
39 x 30 x 3 inches
Baby Mobile
Found tutu and circular metal ring, polymer clay, vintage toys, ribbon
Mobile: 16 x 13 x 16 inches Hanger: 18 inches
Birth Control Altar
Vintage medicine cabinet, bandaid box, and magazines; paint, fabric, lace, plastic barrettes, clay, condom, Plan B, fake flowers, prescription bottle, ceramic Mary and stroller, plastic beads, toy cup, candle, lighter, glitter, apron
16 x 39 x 7 (20 opened) inches
Daddy Stitch
Personal embroidered baby blanket, thread
36 x 54 inches
Don’t Let the Bastards Set You Down
Found child's table and chair, cardboard, papier mache, paint, lightweight spackle, clay, styrofoam balls, found nativity pieces and toys
18.5 x 41.5 x 14.5 inches
4-Letter Word
Papier mache, tissue paper, cardboard, ribbon, puff paint, rhinestones, pipe cleaner
17 x 12 x 9 inches
Heavy & Hot
Frame, cardboard, paper, luggage tags
17.5 x 21 x 1.5 inches
How Do I Look?
Gifted plaster bust, magazine clippings, ribbon, paint
5 x 9 x 4 inches
I Am My Own Baby
Found canvas, ribbon, mirror, lace, yarn, tulle, barrettes, personal blanket, stuffed animals, cards, shells, buttons, doll parts, hair, teeth
36 x 24 x 5 inches
I Grew Up Under Patriarchy
Vintage magazines, wallpaper samples, cardboard, foam, ribbon, mirror shards, lace, kitchen twine, pins, yarn, produce bag
40 x 40 x 9 inches
Vintage nativity figurines, vintage McDonalds Preskool place, paint, polymer clay
12 x 14 x 12 inches
The Party Womb
Found planter, air dry clay, paper, polymer clay, paint, fabric, confetti, doll mirror and vase
11 x 9 x 7 inches
Princess Ana
Found frame, newspaper article, paper cut outs from books, magazines, grocery store circulars, cardboard, stickers, paper doily, foil, plastic gemstones, plastic container, toy plate, fork, mirror, and dollar, yarn, plastic beads, polymer clay, plastic barrette
30.5 x 24.5 x 1 inches
Princess Playboy
Found frame and curtain rod, paper cut outs from books and Playboy magazines
31.5 x 24 x 1 inches
Princess Bride
Found frame and curtain rod, paper cut outs from books, advertisements, personal wedding invitation
31.5 x 24 x 1 inches
Tabloid Jesus
Found canvas, paper
20 x 15.5 x 0.5 inches
Two Trues & a Lie
Found frame, paper
35 x 43 x 2 inches
Your Ass Is Grass
Found wood, secondhand ribbon, lace, canvas, magazines, nylon sock, vase, fake flowers, personal photographs and 10 Commandments bracelet
49 x 13 x 4 inches